Digital Literacies.
Past Workshops
Below are links to our recent workshops!
We also have all our videos on Swinburne Commons so feel free to share.

Monday March 1 - Thursday March 4
2021 Introductory Workshops Series
Check out all the recordings from our workshops in Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, XD & Portfolio from Weel 1 of Semester. These workshops were presented by the Swinburne Adobe Hub in partnership with the Swinburne Design Collective and go through all the basics to some more advanced features in some of Adobe's the most loved creative programs.
Monday 15th - 19th February 2021 
2021 Learning Series 1
Missed our first Learning Series for 2021? Keen to recap on one of the sessions? We have recordings and resources ready for you to review!
Friday 16th October 9.30-11am
Adobe Portfolio

Focusing on how to create a web presence to communicate ideas or a series of concepts, this workshop will use Adobe Portfolio to support story-telling in an interactive non-linear environment. This Adobe Portfolio workshop is for all Swinburne students and staff. No experience necessary.
Before the workshop please log on to Adobe Portfolio and log in with your Swinburne email address. Then, make sure you've enrolled in the Adobe Hub so you can access all our other Adobe resources and the workshop!
Thursday 17th September 10.30-12pm|
Adobe Maker's Day: Playing with AR using Aero + Dimension
This workshop will introduce to play-based-making using Adobe Aero and Adobe Dimension. You will explore the basics of Augmented Reality (AR) using these programs and start to unpack how you might re-conceptualise traditionally 2-Dimensional work into 3-Dimensions.
Thursday 17th September 12.30-2pm
Adobe Maker's Day: Playing with podcasts using Audition
This workshop will introduce to play-based-making using Adobe Audition. You will explore the basics of working with sound using this program and start to unpack how you might create fun, meaningful or terribly serious and important podcasts.
Thursday 17th September 2.30-4pm
Adobe Maker's Day: Playing with animation using Character Animator
This workshop will introduce to play-based-making using Adobe Character Animate. You will explore the basics of creating an animated character that reacts to your movement using this program and start to unpack how you might use these tools to develop your story-telling.
Thursday 10th September 11-12.30pm
Story-telling with video and Adobe Rush
We're running this workshop to introduce students to
story-telling with video using Adobe Rush. This workshop will introduce the basics of capturing material on your phone, importing into Rush, and then basic story-telling and editing to create a seamless video.
Monday 17th August, 12-1.30pm
Spark page and Spark video
We're running this introductory workshop to support students to create digital layered artefacts as assessment items. You will learn how to create a Spark Video as well as a Spark Page and you can re-imagine these in a variety of units. The world is your oyster!
This Adobe Spark workshop is for all Swinburne students but will focus on education.
Tuesday 18th August, 3.30-4.30pm
Adobe Rush for the Three Minute Thesis Competition
This workshop is being run to support students who are participating in the Three Minute Thesis competition and create their submission using Adobe Rush. 
This Adobe Spark workshop is for all Swinburne students but will focus on participants in the Three Minute Thesis competition.
Thursday 30th July, 12.30-2pm
Intermediate-Advanced After Effects
Run by senior Adobe creative Chris Hansen
Swinburne is the first Adobe Creative Campus in the Southern Hemisphere! In celebrating this partnership, the Swinburne AdobeHub is excited to be running the first of our Adobe x Swinburne workshops. In partnership with the Swinburne Design Collective, this workshop will be facilitated by Adobe and focus on intermediate to advanced skills in After Effects.

Thursday 6th August 10.30-12pm
XD bootcamp
Run by senior Adobe creative
Jason Grant
In partnership with Design Factory Melbourne + Swinburne Design Collective
In preparation for the national XD Creative Jam, Adobe is running a workshop for all Swinburne students to skill up in their prototyping skills in XD. The national creative jam is sponsored by RipCurl and will be open to all tertiary students. Get your skills honed and your confidence soaring so you can be part of the national Jam in mid-August!

Link to the assets: Getting Started with XD folder
Friday 14th August 9-11pm
National Creative Adobe XD Jam
Run by Adobe & Rip Curl
Use Adobe XD to design an experience and present your project to industry experts for insightful feedback and you may win prizes and bragging rights! Join Adobe, Rip Curl, and university students across Australia and New Zealand in a beginner-friendly designathon to identify solutions that matter. Create a team, invite 1 or 2 more friends to join your team, and then get details before we begin! No experience necessary.
There are amazing cash prizes for students so get a group together and register now!
Wednesday 14th September 10-11pm
Introduction to design for the non-designer! 
Run by Emma Fischer
We'll be looking at how to make, use and assess reports this week. We'll be looking at pedagogy, assessment examples and introduce you to concepts you can use in your units. Today we'll be focusing creating stunning reports that speak to your audience, and how we might use this in a learning and teaching context.
Tuesday 4th October 10:30-12pm
Creating reports that speak to your audience with Adobe InDesign
Today we'll be focusing on how to create basic layouts for reports with InDesign. This program can create reports for a variety of contexts sand this Lab will show you how.
All enquiries

Follow us
instagram: adobe_at_swinburne

Also, this might be of interest:
The New Normal student project:

Canvas HUB:
Digital Literacies.
Past Workshops

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