Why Is Digital Literacy important?

Digital Literacy is the awareness, ability, and confidence to use digital technologies, the ability to work with and verify data and content, to contextualise modes of production and distribution of data and digital artefacts, and to create, problem solve and communicate effectively. 
At Swinburne we want to support students to be able to confidently, creatively and critically use technology in a global context and in a variety of ways; To look for information and evaluate its authenticity, collaborate with others, manage an online identity and become a content creator, not just a consumer.  
Digitally fluent Swinburne graduates
To ensure our students graduate digitally fluent we are foregrounding the pillars of Digital Literacies within teaching and learning. These pillars include the Graduate Attributes of Technology Literacy, Information Literacy and are underpinned by Critical Literacy
Want more information about how these pillars might fit into your Learning and Teaching? Jump over to our page that can help with how you might scaffold digital literacy throughout your year levels.
Swinburne Adobe
Creative Campus.

Swinburne has partnered with Adobe to become the first Adobe Creative Campus in Australia. We believe that digital literacy, access and equity are essential to the future of our students and staff. We believe that whether you are engaged in a creative course or not, this partnership will be beneficial to all.
Swinburne is dedicated to finding the most authentic and industry-relevant ways for our students to become future ready learners. 

Teaching & learning methodologies to
support a creative mindset.
Focusing on creativity supports staff to innovate within their teaching methodologies. It also supports making for learning techniques so students can utilise digital technologies to create and critically discuss the skills and attributes required to communicate effectively. 
This focus foregrounds the role risk, play and failure have within learning, and the complex (and exciting) ways in which creative problem solving and critical thinking impact our engagement with technology.

What to embed Digital Literacies in your teaching and learning? 

Jump across to our Teaching & Learning page for help getting started.
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