Digital Literacies.
Tech Tips
Adobe Express Video
Make videos quickly and easily right from your browser with the all new express video tool. The new home of Adobe Rush. 
Adobe Stock
Looking for free stock photos to use in your academic assignments has never been easier with our new Adobe Stock licensing. 
Audio and sound
No matter what medium you're using, having great sound material to work with will help with your podcast or video later on. 
Many of us have access to devices that can capture higher quality vision and audio, ranging from mobile phones and tablets, to action cameras and affordable, professional consumer video cameras.  But capturing video sometimes requires more thought than just pressing the 'record' button.
Microsoft teams
Struggling with making Teams more user friendly? David Yammouni and Jack Williams from LTU have created a video with their 7 top tips for teams.

Check it out and start making those polls - anything to make meetings more fun!

Stay tuned for more tech tips!
Digital Literacies.
Tech Tips
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